Looking for Harmony

Hear Myself to better Heal Myself

Healing Techniques such as Sophrology, Reflexology and many others help Body and Soul (re)communicate. Akela Centre is a small facility which gives to our clients the opportunity to practice easy exercises from different healing disciplines at home in order to integrate them into one’s daily routine.

Our practitioners

Each of our practitioners is a professional of its own branch and will do everything to convey his passion and skills.

You Talk

Akela Centre's opinions
  • Thank you for your welcoming. Our sessions have helped me a lot and I go back with a better energy, a general well-being. Your ability to listen is warming and the calming areas are perfect to take a moment for us, a nice deserved break. Thank you again.
    about sophrologie
  • I went to see Isaure for a session of Sophrology and immediately felt calm and relaxed after this session. The first session is a preliminary exchange to evaluate our needs and difficulties. Then, we “take a look” to our bodies and Isaure adjusts the techniques.

    about sophrology
  • Calming and relaxing spaces which allows anyone who wishes to take time for oneself.

    about spaces for rent